ABOUT Every Nation Will Bow

Every Nation Will Bow is a Christian film production company that focuses solely on creating Jesus centered films. ENWB Inc. strives to produce effective and inspiring Christian content, that as many people as possible would be won to Christ through free local screenings, television broadcasts and online streams of the films. Stay up to date by following the team online (@everynationwillbow) and subscribing to our mailing list!

The Team

Chris Worthington

Bachelor of Applied Science | Management & Organizational Leadership

Founder | Director | Writer | Editor

Christopher had no desire to live for Christ – that is, until he radically met Jesus on November 22, 2013 at a worship concert in Tampa, Florida. Where he walked into the concert – hopeless, depressed and in disbelief of the authenticity of Jesus and where he left with joy and peace overflowing out of the core of his soul. Chris has been on a mission ever since to document what he experienced that night – Jesus Christ Himself.

George Michalopoulos, Every Nation Will Bow

George Michalopoulos

Bachelor of Science | Business Management & Supervision

Cinematographer | On Set Coordinator

George has worked with film production his whole life and assists in both pre and post production at Every Nation Will Bow.

Tayler Malloy, Every Nation Will Bow

Tayler Malloy

Juris Doctor | Doctor of Law

Attorney | Legal Counsel

Tayler practices law in the State of Florida and provides legal counsel for content Every Nation Will Bow produces.